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How to Submit a Complaint or Inquiry
Complaints can be filed in person, by email, or fax. A Complaint Form is required to be filled out with the nature and location of the question or problem you wish to have investigated along with the name, address, and phone number of the inquirer, as required by Town policy.

How We Investigate
A Code Enforcement Officer will be assigned to investigate the complaint depending on the seriousness and immediacy of the complaint as well as staff availability.

What to Expect
A Code Enforcement Officer may contact the complainant in order to obtain details regarding the case.

Complaint About Your Property
If Planning & Zoning receives a complaint about your property, you will be informed of the nature of the complaint, interviewed regarding the circumstances, and may be requested to permit a physical inspection of the premises. If a violation is found, you will be given a reasonable period of time to correct the matter. You are encouraged to contact a Code Enforcement Officer to discuss the violation and compliance steps.

When the Town of DeWitt Considers Prosecution 
Planning & Zoning will proceed with prosecution if the violator fails to comply with an Order of Correction. A court appearance ticket will then be issued to appear in the Town Justice Court.

Anonymous Complaints 
Planning & Zoning does not customarily investigate anonymous complaints whether written or verbal.

Planning & Zoning Does Not:

Moderate neighbor or interpersonal disputes. (Alternative: Talk with your neighbor or use a neutral third party).

Investigate boundary/ownership disputes. (Alternative: Compare your survey with your neighbor’s or contact a surveyor).

What You Can Do to Help
COLLECT and record as much information about the alleged violations as possible.
REPORT suspicious or suspected violations to Planning & Zoning.

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