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Avery Park is located on the corner of East Seneca Turnpike and Apulia Road. adjacent to the Jamesville Museum.  This less than quarter-acre corner park has a picnic table and flower boxes. The park is so named in memory of the Avery Building which used to stand on this corner. While residents of Jamesville owned the building over the years, the Avery family held it for the longest period of time from 1867 to 1910. It housed a variety of businesses at the street level. Above, were apartments for temporary residents as they established themselves in the community. In 1919 Solvay Process purchased the building to meet the needs of many workers who moved to Jamesville for work. 

The Jamesville Grassroot Gardeners assist the Parks Department in maintaining this area by planting and caring for annuals as well as helping with daily upkeep.


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